
I’m an American guy who has lived many different lives in my time on this planet.  I’ve been an athlete, a rocket scientist, a corporate stiff, a traveler, a serial entrepreneur, a big success, a massive failure.  I’ve been very happy and very sad.  I’ve been absolutely certain and totally confused.

A few years back I picked up and did something “irresponsible” that I had known for years that I had to do – I left my previous existence and started on a global walkabout.  I had spent too many years feeling unfulfilled and had long known that a great looking resume is no substitute for living a life that is truly meaningful to me.  It was the feeling that there was something inside me that I was NOT using, but which I could be.  Something in life that I was NOT doing, but which I could.

So I embarked on a long-delayed journey to try and figure some of this out by interacting with the real world.  The world where most people don’t have resumes, have never heard of a resume, and don’t care much about what mine looks like.

I wasn’t sure what I would find, and I didn’t know how long it would last. I had in mind something on the order of 1 year. As it turned out, I blew past that mark a long time ago, and I’m still going strong. In this time I’ve circled the globe multiple times, met tons of interesting people, trekked in the Himalayas, done 2 Ironman triathlons, taken a deep dive into yoga in India and Bali, and maybe – just maybe – uncovered some things about myself that could only be found by unhooking from normal society.

Through all this, it has become ever more clear that whatever someone like me is looking for, it won’t be “out there,” but rather “in here.” It has also become clear that the sense of freedom I get from being on my own, doing unusual things in unusual parts of the world, is second to none. I can’t apologize to those who wish I would get a more normal life, because this feeling of freedom is just too good for me to simply tuck away and pretend like I’d never experienced it. I might venture a little bit closer to the straight and narrow one day, but now that the horse has been let out of the barn, it’s going to be mighty difficult ever to coax it back inside.

During my travels – and travails – I have been sharing my thoughts and experiences in these pages. I can’t guarantee that it has always been entertaining.  I CAN guarantee that it hasn’t always been politically correct. And I can also say with certainty that, regardless of how many or how few people have read my words, writing this blog has been one of the most gratifying experiences of my life.  So if you are moved to follow what I have to say, I thank you for being here and welcome you along to share in the ride.


  1. looking forward to the new posts

  2. Thanks for all the motivation. Keep up the good work and continue to spread your wonderful and warm spirit. Peace and blessings!

  3. Have an amazing trip, Paulie!! Be safe! I look forward to reading all about your incredible experiences.

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